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Extraordinary Nurse Recognized at Mon Health Marion Neighborhood Hospital

Posted Date: 1/16/2023
Extraordinary Nurse Recognized at Mon Health Marion Neighborhood Hospital

Mon Health Marion Neighborhood Hospital's Dr. Chris Edwards, Chief Administrative Officer; Anne Wallace, RN, The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses Recipient; Carla Hamner, Hospital Administrator

Anne Wallace, RN, of Mon Health Marion Neighborhood Hospital was recently honored as the first recipient of The DAISY Award® For Extraordinary Nurses. Awarded to nurses biannually at Mon Health Marion Neighborhood Hospital, The DAISY Award is part of the DAISY Foundation’s programs to recognize the super-human efforts nurses perform every day.

The nomination submitted from a family member of one of Anne’s patients read, “This was the best we’ve ever had; my son was cold, sick, and afraid at two years old. She comforted him, gave him coloring books, stickers, and crayons. She made him feel so much better.”

The not-for-profit DAISY Foundation, based in CA, was established by family members in memory of J. Patrick Barnes. Patrick died at the age of 33 in 1999 from complications of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP), a little known but not uncommon auto-immune disease. The care Patrick and his family received from nurses while he was ill inspired this unique means of thanking nurses for making a profound difference in the lives of their patients and patient families.

“When Patrick was critically ill, our family experienced first-hand the remarkable skill and care nurses provide patients every day and night,” said Bonnie Barnes, FAAN, CEO and Co-Founder of The DAISY Foundation. “Yet these unsung heroes are seldom recognized for the super-human work they do. The kind of work the nurses at Mon Health System are called on to do every day epitomizes the purpose of The DAISY Award.”

Anne is a Registered Nurse in the Emergency Department and has worked for Mon Health Marion Neighborhood Hospital since it opened in December 2021.  

“I was surprised, honored, and humbled to be the recipient of the DAISY Award for what seems like such a small act of kindness and caring,” said Anne.

“Anne is very deserving of this award, she really makes a connection with her patients and treats them like her family,” said Carla Hamner, Hospital Administrator at Mon Health Marion Neighborhood Hospital.

Nurses can be nominated by anyone who has been affected by their care – patients, family members, other nurses, physicians, other clinicians, and staff – anyone who has experienced or observed extraordinary, compassionate care being provided by a nurse. Say thank you to a nurse and nominate them for the DAISY Award by visiting MonHealthMarion.com/DAISY. To learn more about the DAISY Award® for Extraordinary Nurses, visit DAISYFoundation.org.
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